Thursday, April 18, 2013

Laughing at myself

Okay, I'm just going to make a quick confession: My hormones are at their all time crazy this week. No really..all over the place. One second i am smiling and looking at flowers to plant and thinking of things to paint yellow. The next i am on the floor in tears because my husband forgot to order slaw on my hot dog so he obviously doesn't love me anymore and wishes we never got married, right? Yeah, that's what crazy pregnant lady over here concludes because there is no way possible that maybe he just forgot the slaw. I spent the majority of today on my pity pot. I cried all morning then most of the afternoon and I don't know why. I came home from work and Spencer was out running errands and getting ready for a long few days of work. When he gets home I flip out on him because i feel lonely and like nobody wants to hang out with me anymore and was complaining about how much he works. Well, to this, my husband tells me i am being irrational. Now here's the part where i lose it. Waterworks and all. I start screaming things at him like "Why did you even come home if you were just going to be mean to me?" and "You are stupid if you think that's irrational" and my personal favorite part is where I  tell my husband, who is a man, that he needs to "stop being ignorant and understand what pregnancy hormones feel like" because apparently it is possible and he just isn't trying hard enough. Ya'll, I'm not proud of this...I really am not. I also need to say that Spencer Williams is a saint and I do not deserve him. By the end of this fiasco we end up laughing because we both know I am crazy right now and figure one day it'll make for good dinner conversation. So now i am back to happy go lucky and trust me, I am laughing at myself as i replay today in my head. Pregnancy is tough, there is no denying that. It is painful, it is exhausting, it makes you crazy. It is also the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. I love this baby, i love him so so much. Spencer and i can't wait to welcome him in to our world within the next 4-6 weeks. We feel so incredibly blessed that we get to take this journey and are so thankful that God has brought us this far. I am sure by the end of it we will have a lot more laughs at my expense. Spencer is already planning all the things he and Holden are going to do as pay back and i know i am in for a world of trouble with these boys. :)